La Manga
Kitesurfing in La Manga del Mar Menor
Due to the microclimate of the Mar Menor, La Manga is one of the best places on the peninsula to practice Kitesurfing.
Feel how you fly over the sea, driving the wind and setting the course you want. La Manga del Mar Menor receives hundreds of people every year who want to learn and improve Kitesurfing on its shores.
The lagoon’s microclimate allows sailing throughout the year, and the shallow coastline makes it the ideal place to get started in this frenetic sport.
Kitesurfing is a highly demanded sport in La Manga, so it will be very easy for you to find a school where you can take classes or rent equipment
The Mar Menor is a perfect and unique place in all of Europe for practicing water sports. The sea conditions and its shallow depth make learning kitesurfing here a child’s play!

Kitesurfings spots in La Manga del Mar Menor
Without further ado, let´s see what are the best kitesurfing locations in la Manga del Mar Menor;
1. Ciervo Island
Location: This area is located at kilometre 3 of La Manga.
Characteristics: The sea has little depth and no waves, at best you will appreciate a bit of choppy. These characteristics make it an ideal spot to learn Kitesurfing in La Manga.
We must be careful before launching and make sure that we are in a safe area. This beach has a safe and wide area near the island, next to the chiringuito ‘ZM Isla del Ciervo’ and ‘Chiringuito Dos Mares Beach’. Avoid riding in the beach area next to the palm trees, since the beach in that area is narrower and in case of mishap it is a dangerous area (the road is in a very close area). In addition, in this beach area, in the summer months, anti-jellyfish nets are placed, which delimit the area for bathers
Recommended wind direction: The direction should be SW. It is an on-shore wind with an average of 18 knots. You can also practice this sport with W or N winds, although it is not recommended as they are unstable and gusty.
Difficulty: Low level of difficulty.
2. Pudrimel
Location: This kite spot is located at the end of La Manga, next to the Veneziola area.
Characteristics: 300 meters of flat water thanks to the shelter of the rocky breakwater. Once past that shelter, the sea opens with waves of different types of peaks. The depth does not exceed 2 meters in the first 200 meters.
This spot is bathed by the Mediterranean Sea, outside the lagoon, it is a spot that has an area of approximately 300 m of flatwater thanks to a natural rock break that comes out perpendicular to the beach, creating good conditions for freestyle. When you leave the area, leaving behind the shelter of the rocks, you find a wave area with different peaks perfect for surf kite, varying depending on the wind. The depth does not exceed two meters for the first 200m, then it begins to increase, which makes this spot good for hydrofoiling, since there is no danger of hitting the bottom.
It is a zone free of restrictions, although in summer it is usually frequented by bathers and boats that anchor there by the shelter of the breakwater.
Recommended wind direction: To practice Kitesurfing in the best way, it is advisable to do it with a NE wind.
Difficulty: Medium level of difficulty.
3. Pueblo Calido
Location: It is located in La Manga bathed by the Mediterranean, at the height of Isla Grosa.
Characteristics: Due to the numerous bathers, in summer this place is not recommended for kitesurfing. The rest of the year is perfect to get started in this sport. The reason is the softness of the waves caused by the cut that Isla Grosa hits them.
It is a perfect spot for surfkite and for people who want to start with it, since the island cuts the waves and makes smaller waves reach the spot with less force, which will facilitate learning and progression.
As we have remarked before, iIn summer this area is not recommended, since it is an area quite frequented by bathers, so navigation is limited to the outdoor area at 200m of bathing, having to leave through channels enabled for navigation.
Recommended wind direction: The best way to enjoy this area is with a NE wind.
Difficulty: Medium-low level of difficulty.
4. Amoladeras
Location: It is located at the beginning of La Manga bathed by the Mediterranean Sea, next to Cabo de Palos.
Characteristics: This area is perfect on windy days when the waves reach 2 meters. In summer you can practise Kitesurfing only 200 meters from the bathing area because there are many bathers.
Recommended wind direction: The best way to enjoy this spot is with an intense NE wind, common in autumn and winter.
Difficulty: Medium-high level of difficulty.
5. Galua
Location: La Manga bathed by the Mediterranean Sea at the height of Isla del Ciervo (it is in the Mar Menor).
Characteristics: Zone of strong winds, creating waves of 2 meters.
Perfect spot for surfkite, since as in ‘Amoladeras’, when the wind is strong it creates waves of 2 meters, making sailing very fun. In this spot we must take into account trying not to ride too close to the hotel, since it creates turbulence in the wind and can cause us to find ourselves in trouble. Another aspect that we have to take into account are some rocks that are in the middle of the beach, at the height of the Civil Protection post; If you go sailing and do not see them, you will probably collide with them.
In summer it is an area quite frequented by bathers, so navigation is limited to the outdoor area at 200m of bathing, having to leave through channels enabled for navigation, and only on days with strong and temporary winds.
Recommended wind direction: This place works with NE wind. It is an ideal place throughout the year, although it stands out in autumn and winter.
Difficulty: High level of difficulty.
6. Calblanque
Location: Calblanque Natural Park, bathed by the Mediterranean Sea.
Characteristics: If you love waves this is your perfect place in La Manga to practice Kitesurfing. It is advisable to go in a group since it is a place without coverage or Maritime Service.
Being a Natural Park, there are no Maritime Rescue services, and also there is usually no coverage to call by phone. Access to the beach from the car parks is usually a 5 or 10 minute walk. Due to all these characteristics, it is recommended to go sailing to this spot in a group and with the material in good condition, since a breakage of the kite or the lines offshore can give us some fright.
Recommended wind direction: This place is ideal with SW wind, being the best time in spring and autumn.
Difficulty: High level of difficulty.
7. Los nietos
Location: Coast of the Los Nietos municipality bathed by the Mar Menor.
Characteristics: Shallow coast for the first 250 meters, making it an unbeatable place to start and improve in this sport. It is a perfect spot for the teaching, learning and progression of this sport in all its modalities, it has a shallow depth up to about 250 m from the coast, then it begins to increase. The windy conditions also make it good for hydrofoiling.
Recommended wind direction: NE wind to make the most of this spot. You will find it practically throughout the year, although the best conditions will be in autumn and winter.
Difficulty: Low level of difficulty.
8. Paradise Beach (Isla paraíso)
Location: Coast bathed by the Mar Menor, between Playa Honda and La Manga.
Characteristics: In this place we will find deeper waters than in the rest of the Mar Menor areas, so it is not recommended to start kitesurfing, but to improve technique.
Recommended wind direction: The best winds to navigate in this spot are NE and NW.
Difficulty: Medium level of difficulty.