A practical guide to kitesurfing in Barcelona
You probably didn´t know, but Barcelona is a very cool destination for kitesurfing. In this article, you will find a practical guide about kiteboarding in Barcelona (kite season, kite spots and wind conditions) Do you want to find out what are the best kitesurfing spots in Barcelona? Then you are at the right place!
Did you know that near Barcelona, you can find some of the best kite spots in Spain? It is true that due to the summer restrictions, Barcelona city is probably not the best place to kitesurf from June to September, however, there are some other terrific kite locations around Barcelona worth a visit. For that, you will have to take a look at the wind directions and the calendar with specific restrictions to kite for each spot. While some spots are good with east winds, other spots work better with west winds and vice versa. For that reason, we have created this article with all information you need when it comes about kiteboarding in Barcelona
Let´s start with what is the best time to kitesurf in Barcelona….
Barcelona kitesurfing season and wind conditions
The best season to kitesurf in Barcelona is from May to September, where you will find pretty good and steady thermal winds during the afternoons. However, from June to September, kitesurfing in Barcelona beaches is not allowed. If you plan to kite in Barcelona during summer, better you head to other spots nearby, being Castelldefes and Malgrat de Mar the nearest ones. In these spots, the thermal wind is called Garbí , which is pretty safe to kitesurf as it is always cross on-shore. (SW wind). Garbí wind is pretty light , from 12 to 16 knots and you can kite with 12-14 metres kite, although sometimes it can rise up to 20 knots too
From the middle -ending September to April, there are no more thermal winds in BArcelona, however, you can enjoy some days with Levante and Gregal winds (E and NE winds). These winds are very suitable for kitesurfing in the very Barcelona beaches. Levante and Gregal are normally stronger winds than Garbí wind, sometimes rising up to 25-30 knots, being able to kite with 7-10 metres kites.
Tramuntana north wind can come anytime of the year, and for kitesurfing it works pretty well in Costa Brava, north from BArcelona. This wind can be very strong, gusty and offshore, so only recommended for Beginners. If you are in your first steps of kitesurfing, then better not to jump into the water with such conditions.
To resume, if you are around BArcelona and you want to have a fun kitesurfing session in summer , better you head to Castelldefels. Out of summer, better you kite in Barcelona beaches with Levante or Gregal. (Castelldefels is not a good option to kitesurf with east winds)
Live cam Castelldefels beach!!!

Barcelona kitesurfing spots
Down here we present you the 5 TOP kite locations around Barcelona that will take your breath away!
1. Castelldefels
First of all, let´s start with the most famous kite spot near Barcelona: Castelldefels
In the tourist town of Castelldefels, half an hour south of Barcelona, a unique beach was inaugurated for kitesurfing. This is a special beach area where you can kitesurf without fear of being fined by the police or ending up over a swimmer.
The prevailing wind on this beach is the southwest wind which is known in Barcelona as Garbí wind.
The most appropriate time to practice kitesurfing in this area is in the spring and summer months, especially March, April, May, June and July.
This Garbí wind usually rises around noon, reaching speeds of 12 to 20 knots. It is a gentle and constant wind and the most used type of kite in this spot is from 10 to 12 m.
In general, Castelldefels beach is a very suitable kite spot for beginners, with southwest or Garbí wind, although when the wind blows from the east or from the west, the waves are bigger and the wind is more powerful, so you will need to have more knowledge in handling the kite.
According to local laws, kitesurfing is prohibited on the entire coast of Catalonia during the beach season from June 1 to September 30 due to the danger of possible collisions with swimmers.
The only exceptions are the special kiteboarding spots, which are only three in Catalonia, being Castelldefels in the province of Barcelona. The other 2 spots that kitesurfing is allowed are Sant Pere Pescador and the Trabucador beach (Sant Carles de la Rapita), which we will see later
In this way, its city council responds to a long-standing demand from kite athletes, since they wanted to be able to practice their favourite sport in summer, during their holidays and without fear of being fined.
Alike the other two points, the kite spot in Castelldefels is completely free. However, it is only possible to go out to sea with a license from the sailing federation that confirms a minimum of kite handling skills.
The Castelldefels kitesurfing area was not created here by chance. This is an area with the most favourable weather conditions for kitesurfing.
It offers a safe environment as it is a fairly wide beach that gives the athlete a lot of space to ride the kite, it is also an 8 km long beach.
For the safety of the athletes, the place has a team of lifeguards on land and at sea. The kite spot in Castelldefels is open from Monday to Friday from 4:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
You must go to the office to pick up a number and show your license. There is also a person in charge who will determine on-site that you have minimal kiteboarding knowledge.
The exit to the sea is allowed in favourable conditions and with wind power of more than 15 knots.

2. Barcelona city beaches
In the city of Barcelona itself, there are also beaches very suitable for Kitesurfing, although they do not have the licenses available like Castelldefels beach, which is a regulated beach for the practice of this sport with schedules even in the summer months.
In summer, Barcelona beaches are completely crowded and kitesurfing is not allowed. There is not a single space even to set up the lines or launch a kite. However, when starts to be cold, the Barcelona beaches get almost empty, especially on rainy days, and it is the best time to jump into the water with your kite
So, out of summer, you can practise Kitesurfing in Barcelona city completely safe and without the fear of being fined. . Down here you can find the best beaches in Barcelona city centre to enjoy kitesurfing!
Bogatell beach
Bogatell beach is probably the best beach in Barcelona city to do kite. It is the main kite spot where kitesurfers gather when Levante wid is blowing. Why do many kiters go to Boagetell for kitesurfing? Well, it is quite an accessible beach either by car or public transport. There is a parking area next to the spot where you can park and walk down to the beach easily. Furthermore, the breakshore located on the northern part of the beach makes it a pretty flat water spot.
The best time to practice Kitesurfing in Playa del Bogatell is autumn and winter. This kite spot works very well with Levante wind, which is quite side-onshore. However, Boagetll beach is not very suitable for beginners. Between all Barcelona beaches, there are break shoes and you need good kite skills not to be dragged up to the cement blocks. Furthermore, west winds usually bring big swells…
Bogatell beach live camera!!!
Barceloneta beach
Barceloneta beach is another gathering point when the wind blows hard in Barcelona. Why? Well, the scenario on this beach is amazing! You can kite with the W hotel in front of you and right next to the Barceloneta seafront. Furthermore, when the wind is Gregal, coming from the northeast, the wind is usually better on this beach than on Bogatell beach.
The best time to practice Kitesurfing here is from October to March
This is the spot is where Ruben Lenten got an accident a couple of years ago.
Apart from Bogatell and la Barceloneta, there are another 3 beaches where you can kite in Barcelona; Nova Mar Bella beach, Nova Icaria Beach and San Sebastian beach. In all of them, you can kite in autumn and spring, until the restrictions start again in June.

3. Vilassar de Mar /Cabrera de Mar
The Cabrera kitesurf spot is located between Mataró and Vilassar de Mar, just 30 minutes from Barcelona by public transport and 35 min by car
Located just behind the Cabrera de Mar train station, it is reached through an underpass, just before the Lidl supermarket.
Its access is easy, parking for car/van in the same spot or it can also be reached by public transport (Renfe – Rodalíes station: Cabrera de Mar).
Cabrera de Mar beach is linked to Vilassar de Mar beach, in total about 1000m. The width varies being the widest part behind the train station. Unfortunately, there are restrictions to kite in summer (From June to September)
The access to Vilassar beach is also by an underpass and you will have plenty of space for launching and landing your kite. Furthermore, the good thing about this spot is that it is not so crowded as Castelldefels. On a windy day, maximum of 50 kites can gather here.
Due to their conditions, both beaches allow to practice all kinds of modalities: (Freeride, Freestyle, strapless and Hydrofoil).
As for the wind, the season with the highest probability of wind is Spring. The Garbí ( SW), is the best direction for all types of modalities, some small waves and flat water areas tend to form. The intensity can vary from F3 to F 5/6, the most common being F4.
This spot is not suitable for beginners with Levante or Gregal winds (E /NE) when big swells are formed.
On SW days (Garbí) the most frequent kiters are 12m to 9m using Twintip and 10m to 8m for Hydrofoil.
Flat / Chopi water conditions, waves tend to be small.
For the E / NE it is recommended from 6m to 10m kites. With these winds conditions, waves are formed, being usual to use Surfboards.
Wave Conditions / Chopi waves of small/medium size.
On rainy days it is possible that motor vehicle access is closed, you can park nearby and access it on foot.

4. Sant Pere Pescador
Sant Pere Pescador is one of the most important points on the Catalan coast since many locals practice this sport and it is a meeting place for kitesurfers from all over the world. Also due to its unbeatable conditions when the Tramontana wind blows, the world championship calendar has a place for this landscape. Sant Pere Pescador is an awesome spot to kite! And you know what? There are no restrictions to kite in summer!
Contrary to what happens in other spots near Barcelona, here you can kitesurf with almost all kinds of winds. While Castelldefels is a good spot with Garbí wind, you cannot navigate well with Levante and Gregal. Barcelona’s beaches are ideal with Levante and Gregal winds, but Garbí enters the city very light. On the other hand, Sant Pere Pescador is the ideal place to kite with almost all types of winds, even with Tramuntana!
If you want to take a trip to the north of the province of Catalonia, the best spot to practice kitesurfing is located in Sant Pere Pescador, in the province of Girona, in the bay of roses. Located 2h driving north from Barcelona, Sant Pere Pescador is that main meeting point in the summertime for kiters around Barcelona
For most beginners, there is an area in the same spot right at the mouth of the River Fluviá where you can find flat water. You can generally kite all year round.
As we have remarked before, it is an ideal place to kite because the conditions are very changeable. Winds come from Tramuntana, Levante, Garbí and they all change the beach. Sometimes it’s flat and other times is wavy.
The best season to kite in Sant Pere Pescador is in spring and summer, where you will enjoy the thermals constantly. In summer, there are some marked areas where to kitesurf away from bathers. This is awesome! The wind enters a southwest direction and is moderate approximately between 8 and 20 knots. With Garbí wind, this place is for large kites over 10 meters and is ideal for hydrofoiling on the weakest days.
The swell is common to the whole Mediterranean, small waves that we call chopi with some waves that are bigger depending on the intensity of the wind. With these characteristics, it is evident that freeride is the best style to practice in these waters, although of course, this does not mean that the other modalities also have their place in this spot.
Tramuntana wind is on the other hand very strong, and it is not the best wind if you are in your first steps of kitesurfing. Wind can rise sometimes up to 50-60 knots. That is the reason that during the last years more and more Wings are seen in Sant Pere Pescador with these strong wind conditions.

5. Ebro Delta – Trabucador beach and Riumar kite spot
The kitesurfing spot in the Ebro Delta is located in two specific points. In none of the areas do we find restrictions on navigation as long as it is done through the signposted area
El Trabucador Beach
The Trabucador beach is located in Sant Carles de la Rápita, in the province of Tarragona. It has an approximate length of 6 and a half kilometres, is located in the Delta del Ebro Natural Park.
The Trabucador Beach is a wild beach and Biosphere Reserve without services but everything is close. It is a fantastic spot for the practice of nautical sports, being a sand bar of more than 6 km allows navigation on both sides of it.
In addition, it is located on the right side of the Ebro River. You can access this spot through the towns of San Carlos de la Rapita from the South and Ampolla or Amposta from North
Apart from kitesurfing, windsurfing, paddle surfing, here, you will be able to perform a multitude of activities, as the river is less than 2 km away. In the area, you can see a multitude of species and aquatic birds and raptors, the flamingos being the most emblematic birds. And therefore a magnificent destination for fans of ornithology or bird watchers.
Kitesurfing is the star sport!
You can sail all year round without restriction, with designated areas for beginners and schools. The Trabucador beach is considered one of the easy beaches for learning to kitesurf. Because in a good part of the inner lagoon there is no depth and as a result, it facilitates the learning of the beginner.
Luckily, between April and September, the prevailing winds are of a South component between 12 and 20 knots as a general rule.
And generally from October to March the North component winds are the predominant ones for small kites since they enter from 18 to 30 knots normally. In conclusion, El Trabucador is a perfect spot for both beginners and experts, although you can kite all year round and the temperature does not usually drop below 15 degrees in winter.
Spot Riumar
It is located on the left side of the Ebro River about 18 km from Spot del Trabucador, in an urbanized but well-kept area. It belongs to the municipality of Deltebre, and is located 10 km from this town, it offers all the services of a conventional beach.
Several beach bars close to the beach linked by large wooden walkways protect the sand dunes that have formed. It is a winter and summer spot
This spot is perfect to navigate with northern winds that enter perfectly almost every week from mid-September to April. And then the rest of the year they also come in, but with less probability. The kites used are around 9m and 7m on most days.
Contrary to Trabucador beach, here you kite in the open sea. There are also some lagoons that form near the mouth of the River. Good wave for Surf kite lovers. And for Freestylers who prefer the flat sea, the lagoon area is very close.
Most visitors can navigate both Spots Riumar and Trabucador since they are about 15 km apart. In general, the accesses to the navigation areas are almost perfect. In short, good roads to get there whether you come from the North or the South, by Autopista del Mediterráneo or Autovía.
The car park is located on the same promenade where the beach is accessed through the walkways. There are showers for bathers and athletes.

Other hidden spots in Costa Brava…..
La Costra brava has numerous windsurfing and kitesurfing spots, located in the north of Catalonia, Sant Pere Pescador, Pals, Roses golf, l’Escala and Port de la Selva are spots on the Costa Brava that offer good and different conditions for sailing . The vast majority are extensive to host all kinds of lovers of this sport and tend to be kitesurfers.
The Costa Brava offers multiple advantages to spend a few days on vacation, as you also find a surfing environment and numerous places to host, the vast majority are campsites with good facilities, there are many schools that offer all kinds of sailing sports. Paddle surfing and surfing are also very attractive in this area.
Pals is among the golf of Roses and is considered the best wave spot in all of Catalonia.
Port de la Selva is an incredible windsurf spot for freestyle. Flat water in the jetty area for freestyle
Kitesurf schools in Barcelona
In the same city of Barcelona, there are no kitesurf schools that are 100% operational and that we can recommend
If you want to learn kitesurfing in Barcelona, the best and closest option is to do it in Castelldefels. The Mojokite school is located in Castelldefels, offers kitesurfing courses for beginners and is probably the best kitesurfing school in Barcelona. This school is usually operational during the spring months until the swimming season begins in June. Unfortunately, Mojokite school does not offer kite courses in Barcelona from June to September. (They do it in Sardinia) Castelldefels has an enabled kite channel during the summer months but it is only for advanced kiters, so Mojokite does not give kite lessons in Castelldefels in summer.
During the summer, the best option to learn to kitesurf in Barcelona is probably going down to Trabucador beach, where the Spirit kite school is located. They offer classes for all levels and have the equipment in perfect conditions
Finally, Sant Pere Pescador is also a good option to learn kite. Simply, before going up to Sant Pere, make sure that the wind is not from the Tramuntana or that it is very strong. After 30 knots it is no longer advisable to learn to kitesurf. In Sant Pere, a very famous school is Kite Experience. In addition to kite courses, they offer foil, stand up paddle and windsurf courses.
Every day there are more kite fans in Barcelona! We encourage you to become one more kiter in the city of Barcelona.
Barcelona city and Barcelona surrounding hosts some of the best spots to kite on the Spanish coast. Due to the local prohibitions in summer, many kiters move to Costa Brava to have fun while other kitesurfing enthusiasts head south to The Trabucador Beach, a terrific flat water spot perfect both for beginners and advanced riders. However, before you choose your favourite kite spot in Barcelona, it is a must to check the wind direction! While east winds are good for some spots, west winds are more suitable for others. So better to be tuned about the wind forecast before you plan your trip. We hope you like this post and keep in touch if you have any question!