A practical guide to kitesurfing in Argentina
Kitesurfing in Argentina, one of the countries that stands out for having the best geographical and climatic conditions to practice it.
Lovers of this sport know that its practice is extreme, since it consists of sliding on the water in which the wind drives the “kite” (similar to the sail of a small boat) and the traction board that are attached to the body. through a harness.
This whole process allows you to ride the board on the waves or perform movements/jumps in the air.
Precisely, the practice of kitesurfing in Argentina is popular because of the large number of places throughout the country that there are to practice this sport. Besides that most of them have a good climate.
The selection criteria of these 7 places is based on the fact that they are distributed in different parts of the country, some of them are even ideal places to vacation or are close to the most important urban cities in the country. In addition, they all have their own cultural characteristics that you can learn if you visit them and, not least, each province has a great gastronomic offer.
1) Cuesta del Viento, San Juan
It is located approximately 200 km northwest of San Juan capital. It is one of the most famous places to sail due to its strong winds, this makes it one of the best kitesurfing spots in Argentina. The winds that blow there occur between November and March and in some cases reach peaks of up to 60 knots. In addition, Cuesta del Viento is a place with a lot of nature and beautiful landscapes that make practicing this sport more enjoyable. If you go, you will also find kitesurf schools with certified and qualified instructors who can help you.
2) Argentine Coast
The Argentine coast is characterized by having hundreds of places with good winds for kitesurfing. Although the coast extends beyond the province of Buenos Aires, this is usually the busiest due to its proximity to large urban centers. If you decide to go there, you will surely come across several kitesurfers since it is a very popular place, and it also has excellent weather conditions.
3) South of Argentina
Southern cities like Bariloche, San Martín de los Andes or Villa la Angostura have already become known places to practice kitesurfing in Argentina. The only drawback they have is that the waters there are cold, but that is not a big obstacle because it is easily solved with a wetsuit.
El Calafate in Santa Cruz is another point in the south where it is also sailing more lately. It is not one of the busiest places, but you have the security of being surrounded by incomparable landscapes. In addition to the fact that the gastronomic offer of southern Argentina is one of the best, especially lamb and fish.
In recent years, destinations in southern Argentina such as Bariloche, Calafate and Villa La Angostura have become the most popular destinations for kitesurfers.
4) Tafi del Valle, Tucuman.
Located in the north of the country, it is one of the busiest landscapes for kitesurfing in Argentina. The place is located in the Dique La Angostura and is located about 100 km from San Miguel de Tucumán (the capital of the province). The summer season is usually the best to attend due to the light winds between 10 and 15 knots that it has.
5) Villa del Dique, Cordoba
Villa del Dique in Río Tercero is the ideal region for kitesurfing. There you will find moderate winds in both summer and winter. In addition, the place has a kitesurfing school to attend and professional instructors who can explain the safety measures.
6) River Plate, Buenos Aires
It is the most popular place in the country. Generally the best conditions for sailing are with southeasterly winds. Along the river there are several kitesurf schools, some are those of San Isidro, Acassuso, Quilmes, Monte Hermoso and Chascomús; the latter has seven internal lakes and is very popular for its easy access and large size.
7) Parana River
The river crosses the provinces of Santa Fe, Corrientes and Entre Ríos. If you decide to go sailing there, keep in mind that in certain areas there are very strong currents where you must be careful and have an advanced level of navigation.

Good destinations for kitesurfing in Argentina
Get to know the different destinations to practice kitesurfing in Argentina. The strong winds, the beautiful landscapes, the water, the sun, the blue sky, everything that kitesurfing needs to connect people with nature and also offer them a unique experience full of adventure. Today, there are more and more places that are predisposed to receive athletes or practitioners of this widespread sport. Next, we will see a summary of some of those good destinations for kitesurfing, this practice as interesting as it is fun.
Both for its incredible landscapes and its characteristic strong winds, Patagonia, in the south of Argentina, has gradually become a setting par excellence for kitesurfing. Today, it is one of the places where this activity is most developed. This allows us to clarify that it is not necessary to be in the open sea to be able to kitesurf, but that it can also be practiced in beautiful lakes and bodies of water.
Bariloche is one of the places that has grown the most over time. But the beautiful town of San Martín de los Andes also stands out fundamentally, where you can practice kitesurfing on the shores of the beautiful Lake Lácar, which is also one of the warmest that can be found in the South. More and more people are coming to that area to practice.
San Juan
Another favorite for kitesurfing, which is also chosen by those who practice windsurfing, is the Province of San Juan. In this you can find winds that reach 30 knots. This has led kite surfers from Argentina and other parts of the world to head to that province.
Buenos Aires
Many people practice kitesurfing in the Río de la Plata. In general, the best conditions for sailing are with a southeasterly wind. It can be practiced in the northern and southern areas, as well as in the Federal Capital.
In turn, in the summer months, other areas of the Province of Buenos Aires stand out and become scenarios for this practice. We refer to places like Chascomús.
Atlantic Coast
The Atlantic Coast is, today, one of the places par excellence in the Argentine Republic for the practice of all kinds of activities and water sports. It is ideal for sailing and adventure activities such as kitesurfing. The most popular place to practice kitesurfing, within what is the Atlantic Coast, is Punta Rasa, belonging to the municipality of San Clemente del Tuyú. It is ideal especially for people who are just starting out.
Another popular site, both for its beaches and for its winds and waves, is Pinamar. It also highlights the Laguna de los Horcones, which is located a few minutes from the city.
Traveling abroad a bit, Uruguay is one of the quintessential destinations for kitesurfing. This is because it has some of the most beautiful beaches in Latin America, ideal for this practice due to the conditions of its winds.
From the north to the south, from the east to the west of Argentina, there are a number of kitesurf spots that you are going to fall in love with.